IMA BuildeRz

Easy Creating Your Own Hybrid Apps Without Coding

Main Panel

Project Manager
App NameDescriptionStatusCloneDownloadDelete
Reset Session

All fields (without Unicode Name) should be written with ANSI characters.
App name is readonly value
Use it if you need language localization
a brief description of your application
Enter aplication version
Enter your fullname
Company name is readonly value
Enter your website
Enter your email
Social Network
Facebook link
Twitter link
Google Plus link
Every domain separated by commas, such as:,
default: 6000
default: 6000
This feature will not work when using webview
Locale for angularJS
The file to be executed for the first time run.
The Device's Back Button

All fields (without Unicode Name) should be written with ANSI characters.
Enter your aplication name, only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and spaces allowed, and disallow numeric on 1st characters (note: cannot change it later).
Used for language localization, keep blank for default
a brief description of your application.
Enter aplication version
Enter your fullname
Your company name, only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, . and spaces allowed, and disallow numeric on 1st characters. (note: cannot change it later)
Enter your website
Enter your email
Social Network
Facebook link
Twitter link
Google Plus Link
Every domain separated by commas, such as:,
default: 6000
default: 6000
This feature will not work when using webview
Locale for angularJS
The file to be executed for the first time run.
The Device's Back Button